Bring Me A Hoe!

Bring Me A Hoe!

When I was a youngster I remember visiting my grandparents with my siblings one summer day. My grandfather was working in the yard as we played and suddenly he yelled “BRING ME A HOE”. One of us ran and grabbed the garden hose that was coiled up beside the house and promptly dragged it to him. When he turned to look he laughed and said “I said a hoe, not a hose”. My grandfather needed a hoe because he had spotted a snake in his garden and a hoe is just the right tool to rid a garden of a snake.

Over the course of the past several months we at Balzer and Associates, Inc. have been involved in looking at our technology, hardware and software, to make sure that we have the right tools to help our professional Architects, Engineers and Land Surveyors serve our clients’ needs. Based on trends in the industry, consultant recommendations and internal discussions, we have invested in new software and hardware that we feel will be the right tools for the job. We are now investing in training our professional staff to use these tools appropriately and effectively. We are excited about our new tools and we’ll soon be able Hoeto use them to develop plans that reflect our clients’ dreams. 

The next time you have a snake in your garden, find a hoe…and the next time you need an Architect, Engineer or Land Surveyor…give us a call. You will find us in Richmond, Roanoke, the Shenandoah Valley and the New River Valley.

Jim McAden