Spring Forward

Spring Forward

spring 6As I went through the annual ritual of “springing my clocks forward” this week I reflected on how much I enjoy this time of year. The warming temperatures over the past couple of days have been the icing on the cake. For me, the past 4 months have been a microcosm of the past 6 years: an unusually harsh Winter(The Great Recession) followed by wonderful signs of spring, including 50 or more Robins in the yard, temperatures in the 70’s and flower bulbs breaking through the ground(Economic Recovery). As Architects, Engineers and Land Surveyors, we are often the first ones to see things ”springing forward” in the construction industry. Our offices in Richmond, VA; Staunton, VA; Christiansburg, VA and Roanoke, VA are seeing increased activity and our enthusiasm couldn’t be higher. We are so optimistic about the future that we are making plans to spring into the Harrisonburg market in early summer. We are also actively recruiting and hiring again! As a prospective client or employee I encourage you to consider Balzer and Associates, Inc. as a partner in realizing your dreams. Let’s SPRING FORWARD together!

Jim McAden